Twenty-eight participants from ten organizations attended the Spring themed April 26th, 2013 Arts & Bots workshop. Thank you to everyone who participated, it was a successful and inspiring event.
Register HERE
Saturday, September 14, 2013 from 9am – 1pm
Carnegie Mellon University
Gates Center, Gates 6115
4800 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Clara Phillips
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Decmeber 3, 2012 Arts & Bots workshop, it was a successful and inspiring evening. Participants included twenty-four educators from 17 different organizations. They all built and programed robots inspired by the topic of winter. Many of the robots created can be seen below.
"The most challenging part was thinking of what all I wanted him to do"
Hot Air Balloon
"There was a lot of problem solving, mechanical wise"
Pittsburgh Penguin
Salvation Army
"I think the kids will love this!"
"I like that you see something immediate when you change things ... the abiltiy to adjust it"
Holiday Shoppers
Snowman 2
Snowman 3
Penguin 2
Thanks to everyone who participated in the September 10, 2012 Arts & Bots workshop, it was a successful and inspiring evening. Participants included twenty-one educators from 10 school districts, a group from the Carnegie Science Center, and The Literary Arts Boom. They all built and programed robots inspired by the topic of library, as September is library card sign-up month. Many robots were created can be seen below.
"I enjoyed the creativity the most"
"I think this would be much more appealing to girls than your standard robot kit"
"I usually as an adult I am use to doing things I know how to do, I knew coming here that this is not in my skill set but I did something... so I do feel really good about it and it was a different experience."
Book Bot
"I think you could bring that same kind of spirit of tinkering and inovation and tie it into what you are learning in the course of the day"
Jingle Bot
"The concepts that go into building any type of robots offer really useful skills in terms of math as well has teamwork, because a lot of work with robots is how to put together different skills to make one robot"
"This project makes my mind go in a million different directions with what I can create"
Presentation 4-5 hours
Component Reference Sheet